These are your CMYK composition values

Each primary pigment value for cmyk color (0 10 22 8) is represented below. Please note, that computer screens are not fully capable to reproduce CMYK colors exactly as they will be printed. Scroll down for more details!

cmyk pure cyan


cmyk pure yellow


cmyk pure yellow


cmyk pure black



The five boxes above may be considered as input facets that get mixed up to form the resulting color. That is the main principle of any CMYK color combination and you might already know that by now. But if you’re just getting to know this process, we have plenty information to make it as easy for you as possible. (P.S. Make sure to visit CMYK generator subpage to see how it actually works).

All things aside, here is the resulting color shade below, you can save it, use it or make further changed as needed for you project.

This is your CMYK color:

CMYK Color preview image (PNG)
Preview image: CMYK Color combining 0% cyan, 10% magenta, 22% yellow and 8% black pigment.

Edit colorOpen color picker

Similar colors with names:

Triple solitaireCMYK cyan-0 magenta-9 yellow-21 black-13 
EnchanteCMYK cyan-0 magenta-12 yellow-23 black-7 
Half haystackCMYK cyan-0 magenta-7 yellow-20 black-13 
PeriwinkleCMYK cyan-37 magenta-47 yellow-0 black-0 
Pale light grayish brownCMYK cyan-0 magenta-7 yellow-16 black-13 
PanchoCMYK cyan-0 magenta-14 yellow-29 black-15 
Double solitaireCMYK cyan-0 magenta-8 yellow-19 black-13 
PMS4685CMYK cyan-0 magenta-10 yellow-19 black-9 
New Search by color names

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CMYK to HEX Converter

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