We attempted to convert NCS S 1020-R30B to CMYK and here is the final result (scroll down for all the details). Our color conversion tool concluded, that if you want to represent S 1020-R30B color that comes from The Natural Color System (color model) using CMYK color standard you should be using these CMYK values - Cyan: 0%, Magenta: 16%, Yellow: 9%, Key (black): 12%. Based on our computations, these CMYK values should yield the most accurate NCS color representation for a human eye. There are some key points to understand when trying to convert between NCS color model and CMYK system. As you should already know, CMYK stands for Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black. These are the components that you mix (using tiny overlapping dots) to obtain various color tones and shades. While Natural Color System is a spot color library. It is using unique coding system to address very specific, solid color nuances and hues arranged in a 3 dimensional pattern.

NCS Color

Color:S 1020-R30B
Origin:Natural Color System
Collection:NCS 1950 Index color chart
Color Hex:#E1BDCC Details Here
Color NCS S 1020-R30B to CMYK (0 16 9 12) converter
The image above depicts NCS S 1020-R30B to CMYK conversion result. Click to enlarge.

CMYK Color

CMYK Color name:
CMYK Percentage:0%, 16%, 9%, 12%
CMYK Float:0, 0.16, 0.09, 0.12
CMYK to RGB:225, 189, 204