This CMYK vs RAL comparison places your colors of choice side by side along with main properties for each of these colors.

CMYK Color

CMYK Color name:
CMYK Percentage:90%, 40%, 0%, 30%
CMYK Float:0.9, 0.4, 0, 0.3
CMYK to RGB:18, 107, 179
CMYK Color CMYK (90 40 0 30) vs RAL 5009 side by side comparison

RAL Color

RAL Number:RAL 5009
RGB Decimal:18, 107, 179
RGB Float:0.071, 0.42, 0.702
CMYK Percentage:90, 40, 0, 30

Keep in mind that identical similarity between CMYK and RAL standards is not to be expected. This is due to fundamental differences that each of these color standards maintain. CMYK is based on reflective light, or subtractive color while the colors you see on your screen is projected light, or additive colors.

People recently compared these CMYK and RAL Colors